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Kindergarten-Grade 2

Language Arts

As children enter the formative years and begin learning to read, it is important to appeal to the whole child and provide meaningful learning opportunities during the school day. It starts in Kindergarten as our youngest elementary school children come to us ready and excited to learn. Phonics instruction happens instantly through activities that target letter/sound correspondence, as well as literary strategies as children transition from being read to, to actually doing the reading. In Kindergarten-Grade 2 we use Fundations for phonics instruction. Reading happens every day and students read guided reading books in small groups. It is during this time that a teacher sits with homogeneously leveled groups and works on reading fluency, reading comprehension and inferencing skills when appropriate. Students are assessed through a variety of tools and teachers are conscious of student growth and set goals for each of their students.

Reading and writing go side-by-side and we provide our Lehrman students with a balanced literacy approach. Writing Workshop, a program that stems from Teachers College, Columbia University introduces students to creative writing genres such as: narrative writing, non-fiction writing, expository writing, persuasive writing and realistic fiction. Students in Grades 1-5 learn how to write in different genres and how to progress through the writing process: brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. Students work independently, in partnerships and small groups to elevate their skills and teacher conferencing is an integral part of this program.


We have adopted Progress in Mathematics as our math program in Grades K-5. Progress in Mathematics provides students with the foundational skills needed to become proficient in math. It is a consistent program that teaches students step-by-step directions and gives students opportunities to practice new skills. We are a reflective school and we have added certain topics into our curriculum that we feel are important in giving our Lehrman students a strong math base. We differentiate instruction, and, if we feel that students need more challenging work, we compliment this program and offer additional work at every grade level.


In Kindergarten, science studies are integrated in the students’ discovery of knowledge in general. So, if they are exploring a given letter or blend, they may also explore a STEMF! (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Fun!) phenomenon such as velocity and everything that implies—pullies, ramps, etc.

In Grades 1 and 2, students work in our science lab with our Science Specialists and have a set schedule of topics, often integrating again, with the stories they read, or the technology they encounter (e.g., robotics). The goal is to engage and uncover the wonders of the world they are discovering as they grow.

Grade 1:
Oceans and Undersea Life
The Human Body

Grade 2:
Cycles: The Seasons
Insects: Helpful and Harmful
The Human Body
Machines: Engineering
Robotics: LEGO-robotics

Social Studies

In ensuring that all Lehrman students are diverse learners and become responsible and knowledgeable citizens, we provide students with many opportunities to learn about the world around them. In Kindergarten students learn about their classroom community and do integrated projects through Jewish studies to learn about the United States (the country in which they live) and Israel (Jewish state).As students venture to 1st grade they learn about various communities such as their classroom, school, Synagogue, neighborhood and city. They also learn about the seven continents, the different American holidays and what they represent. Our 2nd graders take it to a higher level and teach their students through Project Based Learning. Topics such as: American Indians and Immigration are explored during the school year. Students in grades Kindergarten-grade 2 learn about current events. Students in Kindergarten read Scholastic and students in grades 1-2 read Studies Weekly.