The Lehrman Experience
The Lehrman environment is engineered to build confidence and a love for learning in our students. Our classroom and co-curricular activities, paired with student life opportunities, help our students develop a deep sense of self, and discover passions and interests. Many of our student-life offerings also nurture a stronger connection to Judaism and Israel.
Celebrating the Festivals and Holidays
Each holiday and festival has its own time and place at Lehrman. We blow the shofar during the month of Elul, shake the lulav and etrog in our Sukkah during Sukkot, and dance with the Torah before Simhat Torah. Our building is alive with the songs of Chanukah as children play dreidel and listen to an explanation of why we eat oil-based foods during this festival. Students read from our Lehrman Haggadah as they conduct a practice Passover seder with their classmates to get ready for their own family celebrations…and so on throughout the year.
Shabbat at Lehrman
Each week we invite parents to join us to welcome in the Shabbat in a joyous Friday morning tefillah (prayer service). Children light candles, say the kiddush, the blessing over wine that ushers in the Shabbat, and bless the Sabbath bread, the challah. Depending upon the age group, appropriate songs are sung, the parashah, or Bible portion may be discussed.
The school day ends early on Fridays (2:40pm) to accentuate the importance of Shabbat, and to allow every family in our community to usher in the Sabbath.
On Mondays, Havdalah, the prayer that separates the Sabbath from the weekdays, is recited as well.
Haggigat haSiddur (Celebration of the Siddur)
Every 1st grader receives a Lehrman siddur (prayer book) at a joyous ceremony celebrating the class’ learning about prayer as well their ability to read Hebrew.
Haggigat haTorah (Celebration of the Torah)
Lehrman 3rd graders begin their study of Torah (the Five Books of Moses) with an important ceremony before family and friends. They demonstrate all they have learned about the Torah in preparation for their study, as they are presented with their own copies of the Humash they will use going forward.
GrandParents/GrandFriends Day
All students at Lehrman are encouraged to bring someone special to school when we open our doors and our hearts for a day of activities and fun, as well as a delicious brunch.
Book Fair
Lehrman hosts a book fair each year which we call Read-a-Palooza. Students and their parents have the opportunity to purchase new books with a percentage of sales going to support the school. Celebrity guests, parent book readings and other activities highlight the week.
Shabbaton/Dude Ranch
3rd through 5th graders go on Lehrman’s annual Shabbat retreat to the Circle F Dude Ranch. The activity-filled three-day trip includes a talent show, horseback riding, challah baking, and rock climbing; it culminates in a group Shabbat experience that is not to be forgotten.
Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony
Pre-K students have an end of the year celebration when Lehrman says goodbye to them as Early Childhood students and welcomes them into Kindergarten. Parents, families, and friends are invited to this end of the year ceremony.
Fifth Grade Graduation
Lehrman 5th graders have a special graduation ceremony before leaving our school to go to Middle School. All parents, families, and friends, are invited to this event.